Adoption timeline


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Still waiting for TTD's...

I am anxiously awaiting travel information. I emailed our agency last week, as some work plans sort of revolve around knowing when I will be going. I was told that we might find out last Friday, but we did not. I know we will likely travel the first week of March, but I am holding on to a glimmer of hope that we will go with the Feb 15th group. Nothing has gone our way in terms of timing (told we would have an early Nov court date, got one Dec 15, told we would have an expedited second court date, got one Jan 18, etc. so... my hope is pretty minute!) But I keep staring at these pictures of my girl and I just want to have her in my lap!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, hoping, praying, and crossing fingers and toes that we will be going soon!!!!

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